Thursday, December 6, 2012

Objectives 2013 or New Resolutions?

It is again this crucial time of the year where we run as HR to prepare for the hirings for the new year, all the Reps. or staff needed by Jan., where we run to finalize our objectives, ensure the performance management cycle and the new salary increase process (if any) is going to happen efficiently and smoothly and on time.

For me, it is also a beginning of a new year in my life, and a new year in general.  So, a few years ago, when I started re-discovering myself, I started to make new year resolutions.  Before that, it was only my work objectives, which seemed more than enough.

This year, I caught myself (as I recently do a lot) doing something.  We say we want the objectives SMART: specific and stretched, measurable, Achievable, Realistic and time bound.  But we don't realize that there is an innate conflict even in this.  Stretched and challenging is what is requested.  This is actually how I define objectives when I explain the performance management cycle " this is not your job description. This is not a continuation of daily routine.  This is something new, different, an initiative that is challenging and that should positively impact the business and the people".  So, you see.. it must be challenging. 

Then, you see again.. it must be achievable (or attainable, whichever word you use) and it must be realistic.  Otherwise, of course, what is the point of dreaming on without bringing on to the real platform of this world some actual positive change...

Problem is we all have different capacities of dreaming and also of realism.  I am reading (or rather playing) with a book called cookology (recommended:) funny and insightful) it includes psychological games.  One of those games said that blowing soap bubbles is a metaphor for dreaming.  So, some blow small bubbles that fly up in the air.  Others concentrate on blowing one enormous bubble.  Some, blow bubbles only to see them fly beyond them...Which one of those are you?

So, back to me, and what I learnt: I blow many many bubbles.  I fill the year with a million tiny bubles that it becomes impossible to see and unfortunately, though the bubbles are blown....the fun is gone. 

My resolution before making new year's resolutions is not to fill the year like this anymore.  The day has a capacity, life has a capacity and I want to enjoy life.  I will fill the year as usual.. but differently.  I will be more realistic when it comes to defining the length of the task... I will not cram everything in the beginning or in the end.. .but will distribute that amid the bubbles.... I still leave space to see how business is unfolding... how people are reacting... I will have still the ability to talk and interact ....and most importantly I will leave space for me to breathe